George Hutchinson of Spring Construction

“I’ve been advertising my stucco / home improvement business, Spring Construction, in the CPC Yellow Pages for over five years. I continue to be pleased with the results I get from this worthwhile investment.

Just recently I got a call from Robert Martin, a long time Beaufort County resident who lives on Dataw Island, S.C.  Robert was trying to find a reputable ‘local’ stucco repair crew for his home. He spent numerous hours online finding only ‘out-of-state’ stucco repair companies with toll-free 800 numbers. He gave up on the internet searching. The next night he took his lovely wife to dinner at Steamer’s restaurant where he picked up a copy of the CPC Lowcountry Phone Directory from a distribution rack at the entrance. While ordering their food, Robert scanned the yellow pages and  under ‘Stucco Repair’ he found Spring Construction, a locally owned and operated company serving the Lowcountry.

While sitting at the table he ‘called George’- like the ad said. After a nice conversation we agreed to meet and now all of the Martins’ stucco problems are behind them. Thank you CPC Yellow Pages.”

–George Hutchinson, President


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